Wednesday 28 March 2018

New Study Suggests Women With Children Age 11 Years Quicker Than Their Child-Free Peers

If going through the pain of labor is not enough, a new study published in the journal Individual Reproduction appears to suggest that girls who give birth faster than their child-free peers, at least to some cellular level. Apparently, with a child racks up the equivalent of the additional 11 years on this 1 step of biological aging and scientists are not so sure this is.

It all comes down to some compound structure known as telomeres: These sit at the conclusion of a chromosome to protect DNA from degeneration, somewhat like a lid onto a pen. Every time a mobile regenerates, the telomeres have a little shorter — this manner, they’re the mobile’s aging clock. Shorter telomeres are connected to a array of health conditions and higher mortality in addition to physical signs of aging such as grey hair.

For the study, researchers at George Mason University, Virginia, analyzed  the length of telomeres from the blood samples of nearly 2,000 American girls aged between 20 and 44, and they made a startling discovery.   Those with children had telomeres that have been 4.2 percent shorter on average compared to people without. This remained true even when   differences in age, weightreduction and socioeconomic backgrounds were cancel.

“It’s equivalent to about 11 decades of accelerated cell aging,” Anna Pollack, lead author of the newspaper, informed New Scientist.

And it is a more significant change than you see studies associated with obesity and smoking, she added.

However, before you get overly concerned or swear off having kids altogether, there are similar studies that indicate the entire opposite. A study on Mayan girls in 2017 showed that girls who had more kids, in fact, had longer telomeres than people who had fewer.

This contradiction directed Pollack to speculate it might have something related to all the anxiety levels in rearing a child rather than the act of childbirth itself. Specifically, she emphasized the absence of mandatory maternity in the united states, which might add to the already stressful potential for raising a newborn infant.

It appears for now, at least, additional study is required to verify this stride in cellular aging and also determine its scope and trigger. In the meantime, Pollack says that she does not want people to fear. “We’re not saying ‘don’t have kids’, she told New Scientist. Since the study authors point out, the “findings should be interpreted with caution.”

[H/T: New Scientist]


Tuesday 27 March 2018

Elvis World: Love Children into Fake Children

A Swedish girl named Lisa Johansen (following a title change and possibility facial surgery) has been claiming for more than a decade that she is Lisa Marie Presley while for some unclear reason, Priscilla has knowingly raised an impostor.

You really would think the story would stop up, as who’d believe that? There is just no logic to this claim in any respect, but this has not stopped the claimant from showing up in Graceland in time to time and trying nuisances suits.

Her absurd claim has been having experienced the RCMP run a skull evaluation of those agreed upon Lisa Marie child photos and herself — as well as the RCMP does not employ out as a personal labratory and there is no criminal proceedings in Canada. So… No.

Alice Tifkin dyed her hair and changed her title to Eliza Presley; first claiming to be an Elvis love child, then shifting her story to being his half-sister by Vernon Presley.

Ms Tifkin’s mother had been a Memphis gal and’d actually been to Graceland, she had been in her early 20s and has denied having intercourse with Elvis, in his 40s, or Vernon, in his 60s at the moment. Ms Tifkin also advised that Alice is well aware of her biological dad.

Despite this, many individuals have provided the shelter of the homes and much cash to Eliza who is also in deep using the remains of their Elvis Aliver — Dr Hinton, the imitation Jesse — not only is she Elvis’ half sister, but he’s alive and totally approves she states.

During his life amazingly, Elvis was just sued one time at a case and he had been cleared in the Peter Parker Tabloid Frenzy. Little wonder that he ranted on point about it.

Therefore it came as some surprise when 2 novels were published by women who both claimed to have been secret life passionate romances by Elvis. As when the registered individual who existed could possibly have pulled off that.

Desiree Presley and Deborah Presley, who later married Marlon Brando’s son, played the brothers that only wished to create their mothers contented and following the publication earnings, never managed to actually provide anything approaching evidence.

You’ll find a half a dozen claimants, mainly acting as Elvis impersonators or performing their version of dad’s work, they don; tt want to disturb Your family members or rile the Estate, they may even be clever enough to claim they rushed out of time to generate a legal claim.

But they are delighted to offer you their book or other products.

On the Elvis forums that are general public, one runs across their supporters.

Elvis fans are extremely tired of people anticipating money since they may have known Elvis.

I think too, we will need to be tired of the men and women who played or worked him and desire donations to help with present medical crisis-es or those who’d search for “gocrowdfund” their business start up rather than doing suitable investment offerings.

I just dated Elvis to create Brando jealous: West Side Story star Rita … Marlon Brando and also on the record of the film Desiree at 1954.

Elvis and Peter Parker — Love Child?

Celebrity is just as Celebrity does — and Elvis has more folks claim to be his own beloved child than the amount of individuals who claimed to be the biological parent of their children associated with Micheal Jackson and Anna Nicole …

ElvisWorld: The Elvis Offspring

Elvis Presley has a single daughter. A whole lot of people want there to have been more — partly for their cashing in interests. This book makes mention of a possible Elvis love child from his hayride days, but the …

The Heart Beats: Lust, Love,  Loss

“Love, Elvis” 2005 CD review: EIN’s “Lust, Elvis” in case anybody has forgotten was motivated by BMG’s 2005 release ‘Love, Elvis’. Obviously not aimed in the Elvis collector, but rather the general populace and there is no doubt that people …


Monday 26 March 2018

Baby & Child Safety Locks

Baby & Child Safety Locks, HUIRUI Child Safety Cabinet Locks Magnetic Baby Drawer Lock Strong 3M Tape Setup No Tools Or Screws Needed with 8 Locks + 3 Keys by HUIRUI

Color:3Keys+8Locks(Red package) INSTALL THE BABY SAFETY LOCKS, KEEP YOU BABY SAFE AT HOME. These Magnetic Drawer Locks are made of environment friendly stuff, secure to use at home. Locks are set up using 3M adhensive tape, no extra tools or no other drill (drilling) needed, no harm to your furniture. Easy to set up and remove, if you don’t want it, you may use a hair dryer to warm your 3M adhensive tape region, and then gentlely take the lock off. Are you looking for a way to keep your kids(children) from dangerous materials on your cupboard, nightstand, or drawers? Only try this infant proof cupboard lock, it won’t ever let you down. A lock may easily stop your babys and toddlers away from opening the cupboard, but you can start it with the key simply. Are you afraid your kids being hurt by means of your cupboard while explore the home? This concealed magnetic jar locks can allow you to lock the cupboard and drawer well, prevent children being hurt by the cupboard doors, give you a reassurance. Package contents: 8 x Baby Safety Cabinet Locks 3 x Magnetic Child Locks Keys

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Friday 23 March 2018

Do parents care for child safety or do they really wish to gratify caring for children? ” Aam Janata

Disclosure of prejudice: I am discriminated against mainstream schools as currently exist in both India and think they do more harm than good. We need better universities and for reasons over security.

Here is the second murder at a Ryan International School. Last year in February a kid was found drowned at the Ryan International School at Vasant Kunj. Currently there is a kid found stabbed to death in the Ryan International School at Gurgaon.

Very conveniently there is the confession of a murder on TV with a bus. Soon, the foreseeable future will occur. The bus conductor is going to be the villain. Attorneys are already needing to represent him which will always leave the matter of whether he’s taking the fall for somebody else.

The questions not being asked are the way later having one murder at the school, the safety of pupils was still lax enough to get a murder to take place in the toilet of a school. It doesn’t clarify just what a bus conductor was doing at the children’s toilet to begin having to have the opportunity — if at all he’s the murderer because he’s confessing.

But greater than this, it doesn’t clarify what children were doing within that school at all. Or, for that matter, any school. The Delhi Gang Rape used a school bus to perpetrate a dreadful rape. The driver of the bus was ferrying children to get a daily basis till caught. Much outrage had thought. Much vanishing of that the owner of the bus was occurred. Sheila Dixit made it compulsory for schools to run background checks.

What occurred? When the kid was found dead at the Ryan International School at Vasant Kunj, several excuses were forced to shrug off duty such as he had a habit of drifting. Seriously? A kid had a custom not to be in class and drifting the school and no one found it odd enough to explore or be alert for?

I wonder in the gullibility of parents that send children to school. In an era once we don’t find a two hour film without reading a review or hearing word of mouth praise first, just how can it be that parents devote 10 decades of a child’s time without so much as asking whether it is necessary at all to pay 10 years to learn how to read and write.

But that’s the actual thing. Schools are not a service to children, they’re a support to parents — a service which gets the child out of your own hair for most of the evening, and installs all of the knowledge a “regular human being” needs to have as per a template. It doesn’t have anything to do with a child’s needs. Nor does it have the capability to forecast what knowledge that a child will have to function in the world as a grownup. Most of you who learned how to calculate square roots in school haven’t completed it after leaving school. Most of you that mugged up names of arbitrary places on earth have not found use for this advice as a grownup. Just what a child does in school doesn’t have anything to do with your child’s needs.

We recognize the vulnerability of children and believe that they are dumb, but don’t have any reluctance sending them off into an environment which may not be secure on their own without us. I could readily get a high paying job instead of making do with working from home. The reason why I don’t is that my son can’t speak. Till he isn’t able to inform me about his day and also whine if he had a problem, not a chance I am leaving him to strangers at day-care. I don’t have any intentions of letting someone who might possibly be damaging my child to speak for him. When I say harm, I include so much as threatening or threatening a kid or subjecting them to the indignity of sarcasm and taunts. Let alone kill.

I have to wonder at parents that can comfortably trust a school and not believe farther. If there is a rape or a murder, parents suddenly get all traumatized. Parents studying it imagine their innocent kid in that location, all broken and dead, they can’t keep it. Many shout, can’t get images from the minds. Nonetheless, it isn’t like they won’t send their kid to school or will go and property up at the school of their own child and need to find the files with background checks on most of the people working there to make certain solid evaluation of possible dangers has indeed occurred.

It isn’t like if their kid talks to a unpopular teacher in school they land up demanding this teacher accounts for their activities or be removed. How lots of you, following the Delhi Gang rape insisted all personnel on the campus of the   own child’s school be investigated? But offending people by thinking they’re suspicious is so bad, no? Yet they provide an Aadhaar that tracks people as potential criminals by default.

How many did that after any case of a kid being found raped or murdered in school? This is just the capital of the nation — a place where “people like us” ship their kids. There are even more horror stories from schools in smaller cities, hostels for tribals. Government schools are a free for everyone — might the greatest bully call those shots. What will it take for parents to find that schools aren’t SAFE FOR CHILDREN? Or in least to require a safety audit? What does it take to find that schools are a company which targets parent satisfaction and not kids? What does it take for individuals to stand up for their own damn kid instead of imagining them every offense against children and getting all psychological, but doing so to safeguard?

I am a staunch proponent of schooling, but I accept it may not be an alternative for many individuals who have tasks — such as or where there are sick people in the house needing substantial care, leaving the adults too tired to take part in a child’s learning. Or where the house enviornment could have violent people round. Sure, schools could be a requirement for all. But I believe it is high time their overinflated significance be assessed also. If a school can’t get your children fluent in fundamental understanding and blames children for low scores, it is basically time and money spent with zero guarantee. And today, there is no guarantee that the entire schooling in the world is going to result in a work anyway. Technology is developing so quickly that assistive devices may take communication into the illiterate without ever requiring them to write or read in a few decades. Just what is it that the school has been glorified for? Why is it the need of sending a kid to school at all can’t be contested? Why can it be so difficult that schools face robust scrutiny? You would have an issue if your office peon or even collegaue or perhaps the CEO squeezed your boobs because he passed by, right? What does it require to ensure that extensive efforts are designed to make certain your kid isn’t going to be subjected to it? How the hell is that parents merely meekly have a college’s word for it — if at all they inquire.

It won’t be easy. Schools are already on tight budgets. Popular civilization blurs novelty and age supporting perverts and normalizing behaviour which should produce alarm. Investigations and stepping up safety is time consuming, pricey. Being screened would probably be taken as an insult from many educators that feel entitled to lack of scrutiny. Nonetheless, it isn’t impossible. Without safety, the most plausible place to get a pedophile to maintain is a school. Where the proportion of vulnerable aims to potentially alert protective adults is exceptionally high — state unlike a playground, worried teachers getting through their responsibilities autopilot are unlikely to detect matters unless trained for it. How many schools instruct their staff in basic safety concepts so they may detect and explore potential dangers?

That is my question to parents. When are you going to drop this blind obedience to authority figures and need they’re worthy of the confidence you entrust them? Does your kid matter or not?

Since now, the older Ryan International School murder is all but abandoned, and the newest one is on its way from our awareness. We overlook, over and above the information that shows the danger to children. Untill next time.

What will it take for you to guarantee to the top of YOUR capacity your son or daughter is not on national information for the wrong motives?


Wednesday 21 March 2018

Children helping children

Whether one makes a big contribution, a small donation or simply volunteer work, every tiny thing — or individual — aids when it comes to charity. In Dawson Independent School District, three small women are helping create significant changes for other children.

Third grade pupils Ayleen Renteria, Caisyn Kennedy and Harlee Farish are selling lemonade per week for 50 cents each. All the money that they earn from their earnings go directly to St. Judes Children’s Research Hospital. Their instructor, Dianne Hopson, had nothing but praise about that which they set out to perform.

“We have a class every Friday morning referred to as ‘Genius Hour’,” Hopson said. “The children get to choose their genius and they do research, projects, or anything goes together with their thought. These 3 women decided they were planning to raise money for St. Jude’s.”

The women were originally attempting to sell lemonade after college, but Dawson’s cafeteria woman Lori James urged them to sell throughout the junior high and higher school lunches. They’ll sell the lemonade until the conclusion of the week, either during lunch and after school outside from the pupil pick-up area.

“That was their idea,” Hopson said. “They pioneered it, planned for it, and wore me down about the day that they were planning to sell lemonade. They were so excited to donate money to help children that need it they are a gung-ho group of women.”

One could easily tell how excited the women were to get the whole project, as they were keen to answer questions while interviewing them — speaking over each other in a hurry to reply.

“We got the idea during ‘Professional Hour’ where we choose what we want to perform,” said Kennedy.

“We must create it ourselves and demonstrate what we do into the class,” Farish rapidly added.

“We felt sad for the children at St. Jude’s, which they may not have enough money to find the assistance they need,” Renteria said in the end.

There are plans to attempt a mathathon after Spring Break for their following Genius Hour, where the women accept lots of money for every math problem they are paid to workout. Whether they get the issue right or wrong, the women will still work out the problem. They would like to continue donating to St. Jude’s to get lots of their upcoming Guru Hour ideas.

“we would like to run a cookie rack next time we do so, or continue the lemonade,” said Kennedy and Farish.

If you would like to help the women with their charity work, then visit Dawson School after regular school hours and buy some lemonade prior to the conclusion of the week. If you would like to pass them to contribute to St. Jude, get in touch with their instructor Dianne Hopson.


Friday 9 March 2018

Will Your Child be Poor or Rich? 15 Poverty Habits Parents Educate Their Children – Rich Habits Institute

Rich Habits Poor Habit Episode 45 | Can Your Child be Rich or Poor?

15 Poverty Habits Parents Educate Their Children

Tom Corley  travels the country talking to high school and college students about precisely what they need to do to become financially profitable in life he always begins his presentation by asking three questions… 

“Exactly how many want to be fiscally successful in existence?”

“How many think they’ll be financially profitable in your life?”

Virtually every time I request the first two questions each hand rises in the atmosphere.

He then asks the magic third question:

“How many have taken a class in college on how to be fiscally successful in life?”

Not 1 hand rises in the atmosphere , ever.

Certainly every student would like to succeed and believes they’ll be successful but none have been educated by their own parents or their college system how to be fiscally successful in existence.

Not merely are there no courses on basic financial success fundamentals but there aren’t any structured courses teaching basic financial literacy.

We’re raising our kids to be financially illiterate and to neglect in life.

Is it any wonder that many Americans live paycheck to paycheck?  

That most Americans collect more money than assets?

That many Americans shed their homes when they shed their job?

Is it any wonder that many Americans can’t afford college for their kids and student loan is now the greatest type of debt?

What is worse is what our kids are being educated by their own parents, the college system, politicians and the social networking.

They are teaching our kids the wealthy are corrupt, covetous, have an excessive amount of prosperity and this prosperity needs to be redistributed.

What type of a message do you think that sends to America’s future generation?

It is instructing them that seeking financial success is really a bad and bad thing.

Here are a few statistics out of his five-year study on the daily habits that distinguish the wealthy from the bad?

  1. 6% of those wealthy play the lottery 77 percent of the poor.
  2. 80% of those wealthy are focused on at least one goal vs. 12% of the bad.
  3. 62% of those wealthy floss their teeth daily vs. 16 percent of the bad.
  4. 21% of those wealthy are overweight by 30 pounds or more vs. 66% of the poor.
  5. 63 percent of those wealthy spend less than one hour every day on recreational Internet use. 74 percent of those poor spend more than an hour every day in the Internet.
  6. 83% of the wealthy attend back to school night to their kids vs. 13 percent of the bad.
  7. 29% of those wealthy had more kids who made the honor roll vs. 4% of the bad.
  8. 63 percent of wealthy hear audio books within their commute vs. 5 percent of the poor.
  9. 67 percent of their rich watch less than one hour of TV every day vs 23% of the bad.
  10. 9% of the rich watch reality TV shows vs. 78% of the bad.
  11. 73 percent of those wealthy were educated the 80/20 rule vs. 5 percent of the poor (live off 80% save 20 percent).
  12. 79 percent of the wealthy system 5 hours or more . 16 percent of the poor.
  13. 8 percent of those wealthy think prosperity comes from arbitrary great luck vs. 79 percent of the bad.
  14. 79 percent of those wealthy believe they are liable to their financial conditions. 82% of the bad feel that they’re victims and not responsible for their poverty.

The truth is that the poor are poor because they have too many Poverty Habits and too few Loaded Habits.

The top parents teach their kids good habits that result in success and the worst parents teach their kids bad habits that result in poverty.

We don’t have a wealth gap in this nation we’ve got a parent gap.

We don’t have revenue inequality, we’ve got parent inequality.

Our colleges will need to work together to instill good daily success habits.

They need to be teaching kids particular Loaded Habits that result in success.

Here are a few examples:

  • Limit TV, social networking, video games and mobile phone use to no longer than 1 hour each day.
  • Require that kids read only one non-fiction book a week and write a 1 page summary of what they discovered to their parents to assess.  
  • Require kids to aerobically exercise 20 — 30 minutes each day.
  • Limit junk food to no longer than 300 calories each day.
  • Teach kids to fantasy and to pursue their own dreams. Have them write a script in their ideal, future life.
  • Require that kids set yearly, yearly and long-term goals.
  • Require working age kids to work or volunteer at least ten hours each week.
  • Require that kids save at least 25 percent of their earnings or the monetary gifts they receive.
  • Teach kids the importance of calling familymembers, friends, teachers, coaches, etc, in their own birthday
  • Teach kids the importance of calling familymembers, friends, teachers, coaches, etc. when anything good or bad happens in their own lives. Examples include deaths, births, awards, illnesses, etc..
  • Teach kids to send thank you cards to individuals who aided them in any way.  
  • Reassure children that errors are great and not bad. Kids will need to understand that the cornerstone of success is determined by the lessons we all learn from our errors.
  • Discipline kids when they lose their temper in order that they understand the outcome of not restraining this exact expensive emotion. Anger is the most pricey emotion. It gets people fired, raped and destroys connections.
  • Teach kids the pursuit of financial success is a fantastic thing.
  • Kids will need to learn to control money. Open a checking account or savings account for kids and force them to use their own savings to buy the things they desire. This teaches kids that they are not eligible for anything. It teaches them they have to work for the things they want in life, like mobile phones, computers, and fashionable clothes, video games, etc..  
  • Require kids to take part in at least one non-sports-related extracurricular class at school or out of college.
  • Toddlers and kids will need to set aside at least an hour per day to speak to one another. On Facebook, not on the mobile phone, however, face to face. The only excellent time is amount time.
  • Teach kids how to control their time. Teach them how to create a daily “to do” list. They can put their own “to-do” set in their bedroom door so parents can check it each day.

Clearly, it’s not possible to stick to each Rich Habit recommendation I recorded above.

From my research, I learned that it takes is two or one Loaded Habits to fully transform a lifetime.

The reading custom, by itself, can set your kids up for career success.

The savings habit, by itself, can set your children up to be financially independent. The exercise habit, by itself, can set your kids up for a long, healthful life.

The joyful birthday or life event calls, in their own, may set your kids up to forge strong relationships. Pick two habits to teach you kids and keep on top of these for six months. Following six months the habits should adhere.


About Thomas C. Corley

Tom Corley understands the difference between being rich and poor at age nine, his family went from being multi-millionaires to broke at just 1 night, due to a devastating fire that destroyed his Dad’s thriving company. For fourteen years they struggled with poverty. There were twenty five in Tom’s family, and they lived in constant fear of losing their home.

Inspired by the desire to unlock the keys to success and failure, Tom spent analyzing the daily actions of 233 rich people and 128 bad individuals. He discovered there was an immense difference between the habits of the rich and the bad. During his research he identified more than 300 daily pursuits that separated the “haves” from the “have nots.” Tom decided to compose a book to discuss what he heard. That book, Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy People (1st Edition), went on to become the Amazon Bestseller in the United States twenty occasions over a three year interval. To give you some perspective, so as to be a real Amazon Bestseller in the USA, where you truly receive a specific Bestseller designation from Amazon, then you have to be at the top 100 of books sold by Amazon from the USA at a day. Rich Habits did that for nearly thirty straight days, climbing as large as #7, eclipsing such Bestselling authors like Stephen Covey, Robert Kiyosaki and J.K. Rowlings. Imagine that – an anonymous, first time, self-published author selling more books than J.K. Rowlings!

Tom now travels the planet, sharing his Rich Habits and inspiring audiences at industry conventions, corporate events, universities, multi-level marketing team events, and international sales organizations’ presentations and finance conventions. He has spoken on precisely the identical point with famous entrepreneurs and private development experts, including Sir Richard Branson, Robin Sharma, Dr. Daniel Amen, and several others.

Tom has shared his insights on various national and international network, cable, and Internet television applications like CBS Evening News, NBC News, Yahoo Financially Fit,, India TV, Australia, and a slew of others. He has been interviewed on several prestigious nationwide syndicated radio series, including the Dave Ramsey Show, Marketplace Money, and WABC.

Tom was featured in numerous print magazines–like Money magazine, Inc.. Magazine, SUCCESS Magazine, Entrepreneur magazine, Fast Company magazine, Much More magazine, Epoca Magazine (Brazil’s largest per week) and also Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine–and many online publications, including USA Today, CNN, MSN Money,,, and the Huffington Post. Tom is a frequent contributor to Business Insider,, and some other media outlets.

National promotion has gained international press attention for Tom and his Wealthy Habits research spanning 23 nations. Broadcast networking, online publications, and television across Asia, the South Pacific, Europe, the United Kingdom, and Central and South America have shared his powerful message.

In a bid to assist parents, parents, teachers and adults become success mentors to the younger generation, ” Tom released his second novel, Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to be Happy and Successful at Life at 2014. This book was the self-improvement class winner of the 2015 New York Book Festival and Runner-up in the prestigious 2015 Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards Contest. In 2016 Tom released his third book, Change Your Habits, Change Your Life. This book provides the latest science on custom change in addition to much more of Tom’s unique research on the specific habits that helped alter 177 ordinary individuals into real time millionaires.

Apart from being a writer, Tom can be a CPA, CFP, and also hold a master’s degree in taxation. As president of Cerefice and Company, CPAs, Tom heads among the greatest financial firms in New Jersey.

Telephone Number: 732-382-3800 Ext. 103. Mail Tom | Download Media Kit

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Tom Corley

the Most Recent from the Rich Habits series now available!

Learn about the habits that helped transform everyday individuals into self respecting millionaires.

Literary Awards for Rich Kids!

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Runner up for prestigious 2015 Writers Digest Self-Publishing Awards Competition

Winner of 2015 New York Book Festival

Did you know 85-88 percent of American millionaires are more self explanatory, first-generation rich? Learn the secrets of the wealthy and turn your luck around!

Research Tom Corley’s Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy People:


Wednesday 7 March 2018

More than 6,000 child care scheme is being used by children

A Number of 6,292 children are using the government childcare service, according to data this past Week, Contained in Parliament.     Education Minister Evarist provided the amounts

Read More


Thursday 1 March 2018

‘Trauma-informed’ daycare for refugee Kids among Fresh projects that are child-care

A brand new daycare which incorporates injury counselling for immigrant and refugee children in Victoria is among   projects that will be given a share of $33 million in  financing for new licensed child care areas in British Columbia.  

Even the Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre Society’s  planned daycare for 28 infants and kids, in partnership with Family Services of Victoria, is  among   the projects eligible for provincial funding to make 948 fresh child-care spaces in Victoria and Vancouver Island communities extending from Ucluelet to Campbell River.  

David Lau, executive director of VIRCS, told sponsor Jason D’Souza the need for child care, particularly for infants, is so acute that the centre began receiving wait-list requests even before daycare plans were officially announced for the construction it bought in June.

With assistance from the $371,173 in provincial financing, Lau explained, “we’re hoping to build a more trauma-informed daycare service”

He said it is a model which was created in Australia, even though he isn’t aware of a similar daycare in Canada.

“With the sorts of children that go through our centre and also Family Services of Greater Victoria, we have some children who undergo and they could definitely use some assistance,” he said.

VIRCS already works programs for older kids and youth including an adjustment support team for ages 6 to 11 to assist immigrant and refugee kids overcome challenges like despair, and separation from family members, solitude and traumatic encounters.

Filling after-school care gap in Qualicum

Meanwhile, the   Qualicum First Nation is eligible for $500,000 to add a  new construction and 36 spaces — eight   to kids aged three to four decades, four preschool houses and 24 school-age areas  —  into  the Qualicum First Nation After School Care Centre.

Pam Moore, the manager of children’s services for the First Nation, said there hasn’t been any after-school care program in the community for several decades. The present daycare, which also provides good care of non-Indigenous kids in the community,  has been ” very well supported” from the chief and council, she said.  

Moore explained the new after-school care centre in addition to the new three-to-five-year-old spaces are  anticipated be ready for the beginning of the following school year. On the other hand, the neighborhood will still have a gap in infant and toddler care spaces.

In total, funding funding to make 3,806 new   child-care spaces was first announced Monday from B.C. Minister of Children and Family Development Katrine Conroy, having expectations that all of them will start  over one to two decades.  
